Reporting Back: Fighting for Trans Rights – A Public Pressure Campaign

DSA Cleveland’s Public Pressure Non-Campaign Activity for Trans Rights was passed unanimously at the February 2024 general meeting. The “non campaign activity” was NOT a priority project of Cleveland DSA, therefore it did not have an elected leadership body and other privileges of being a priority. From February-April 2024 DSA sent members to make public … Read more

Winning the Battle for Democracy

With recent Supreme Court rulings further criminalizing homelessness and stripping government authority to enforce major 20th century reform legislation, we are belatedly publishing this resolution from our 2024 Chapter Convention on the undemocratic nature of the first US Constitution and the place of the battle for democracy in our organization’s socialist vision. Whereas The United … Read more

Palestine Solidarity Priority Project: Half point retrospective

Although we had been working alongside the local pro-Palestine movement prior to March, our chapter membership’s approval of the Palestine Solidarity Priority Project Proposal has allowed us to further and more formally immerse ourselves in the local struggle for Palestinian liberation. Over these past three months we have had some major wins along with a … Read more

From Vietnam to Palestine: The Power of Student Solidarity

On this day in 1970, four Kent State students were murdered while protesting Nixon’s escalation of the Vietnamese war into Cambodia. This massacre further inflamed the anti-war protests on campuses across the nation which saw 4 million students strike for peace. Today, we see history repeat itself with students occupying their campuses with the demand … Read more

Anti-Zionists have a right to speak – Cle DSA Statement Against HR 6090

Cleveland DSA condemns the House’s passage of HR 6090, which deploys the IHRA definition of anti-semitism, conflating anti-zionism and anti-semitism, for enforcement of federal antidiscrimination laws on campus. Republicans introduced this legislation in a desperate assault on the youth protests that have erupted across America as a result of American universities’ bizarre, large scale investments … Read more

Letter from a member of Case Western’s Jewish Community

The below is a response to President Kaler’s email threatening disciplinary and legal action against students for their Gaza solidarity assembly at CWRU Hello President Kaler et al., As a member of the CWRU and the Cleveland Jewish community, I am deeply disturbed by the rhetoric of this email which implies that there is rampant … Read more

Announcing Palestine Solidarity as Cleveland DSA’s Priority

As of our March 7th general meeting, DSA Cleveland has resolved to adopt a Palestine priority plan for the next six months.Though we have been showing up the last several months (and beyond), this represents a significant deepening of our solidarity work. Our chapter now has a dedicated leadership body elected to implement Palestine work … Read more

Speaking Out Against the Anti-Trans Ohio DOH Rules

Trans Activists Post with Signs and a DSA Cleveland Flag at the Ohio Department of Health Meeting Where Public Comment Was Made Against the Anti-Trans Administrative Rules

Yesterday the Ohio Department of Health hosted its last round of public comment on the proposed administrative rules that restrict trans healthcare. We rallied outside of the Cuyahoga County Board of Health and spoke with the workers and bureaucrats who will be asked to implement these rules if/when they come to pass as soon as … Read more

Opening Remarks from our Chapter Convention

Last weekend, on February 24, 2024, Cleveland DSA held its second Chapter Convention. Below are the opening remarks from Chapter Secretary Damion A. The Cleveland Democratic Socialists of America seeks to facilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist society, one in which the means and resources of production are democratically and socially controlled. … Read more