Announcing Palestine Solidarity as Cleveland DSA’s Priority

As of our March 7th general meeting, DSA Cleveland has resolved to adopt a Palestine priority plan for the next six months.Though we have been showing up the last several months (and beyond), this represents a significant deepening of our solidarity work. Our chapter now has a dedicated leadership body elected to implement Palestine work according to a specific plan, with measurable goals and specific democratically decided tactics. This priority status also renders this work the near-exclusive focus of our chapter’s Steering Committee and our membership as a whole. The time is now to join with your comrades and demand a free Palestine from the river to the sea.

On October 15th our Chapter’s Steering Commitee released a statement calling on “all people of conscience to oppose genocide in Gaza”, calling for an end to occupation and apartheid in Palestine, and calling on our fellow DSA members, chapters, and leaders, to stand proud against intimidation, death threats, legal attacks, slander, and misinformation. We are proud to say that our organization has done so. For the last five months, since the conclusion of our Abortion rights priority campaign, Cleveland DSA has joined our allies in the Cleveland Palestine Advocacy Community at city hall, on the highways, and in the streets protesting Israel’s cowardly genocide against the Palestinian people. In December we organized a fundraiser concert generating over $3.5k for the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund. We have devoted ourselves to the study of Palestinian history, and hope to deepen our education further.

Join us to launch this project with a fundraiser concert at the Happy Dog! Friday at 9pm, we’ll raise money for UNRWA and hear from local bands The Last Gasp, Arms & Armour, GRVE and Mud Whale. Then join us at County Council on Tuesday at 5pm to demand divestment from Israel Bonds – check our calendar for details.